
Waterfox 32 bit
Waterfox 32 bit

waterfox 32 bit

And sometimes this can take weeks or even months for this to happen. Whatever team is building the unofficial build receives a notice from the official provider, they compile a version, then release – but it’s always after that major provider releases it first. Major browsers release security updates quickly should any problems be discovered, and the unofficial builds are always second in line for them. Using unofficial builds of browsers is not exactly a good idea Yes, this does mean by having the three tabs open of webmail, Facebook and Netflix that Waterfox will explode up to half-a-gig of memory use just by sitting there just like Firefox does.

waterfox 32 bit

The way the engine works just explodes in memory use by nature. That’s not fixed, and that’s not Waterfox’s fault at all. This is Firefox we’re talking aboutīeing that Waterfox is Firefox in 64-bit flavor, it still has the exact same memory-munching problem Firefox does. Startup and shutdown would show no major difference in speed. Document load time – especially over a network – would only be slightly faster on 64-bit (meaning you really wouldn’t notice any significant difference). Think of it this way: Would you notice a difference between a 32-bit Microsoft Word and a 64-bit Microsoft Word? Nope. You can benchmark-benchmark-benchmark all day long and spout out numbers-numbers-numbers, but the fact of the matter is that in practical use, you will notice little to no difference in performance compared to a 32-bit browser. In a browser application, 64-bit at this point really hasn’t proven to be any better than the 32-bit flavors. Now if we’re talking about, say, a video editing suite that requires gobs and gobs of memory to crunch and render video data faster, then oh yes, 64-bit is better because that architecture can process and access everything quicker.

Waterfox 32 bit