
Signal messengers
Signal messengers

Absolutely all information is encrypted, except for the date the account was created and the date it was last used, as mentioned above. There are no trackers, ads, or analytics code in the program code. Unlike any other popular crypto messengers, Signal does not have access to contacts, social graph, group data, status information in groups, profile names, profile avatars, location data, search history, and so on. Signal also applies this design philosophy to the rest of the user data.

signal messengers

They are visible only to senders and the intended recipients. Signal uses end-to-end encryption, so developers never have access to the content of the messages people send. “ We designed Signal in such a way that personal data is stored on the client side, not ours,” the developers say. No contacts, group information, or profile information.

  • Date of the last time Signal was used (in Unix format)Īnd that is all.
  • The only data that Signal can provide at the request of government services is just the minimal user data that it stores on its servers. Back in 2016, the US authorities managed to get a subpoena to delete the correspondence of one particular user, but thanks to end-to-end encryption, there was nothing to delete.

    signal messengers

    Various governments, including the US government, are trying to compromise the built-in protection of the messenger and gain access to the correspondence of its users. Now and then, Signal developers are facing constant threats.

    signal messengers

    It is based on the open-source code and works with well-known cryptographic protocols (unlike proprietary MProto by Telegram). This software uses strong cryptography and end-to-end encryption. Against the backdrop of events in the US, the popularity of the Signal secure messenger has grown sharply – from 6,000 to 26,000 downloads per day.

    Signal messengers